Information page for the ThinkWave web application
Biomimicry means getting examples from nature. Use natures knowledge to solve problems. Not the complet problem has to be solved by nature but you can solve small parts.
Very nice book and example of biomimicry is Honeybee Democracy, at least if you ask me.
A lot of brainstorming tools or methods can be found on google.
During a brainstorm a few things are important.
The question should be simple and should solve a small part of your question at least
There are no mistakes or dumb ideas
Use methods.
If you have a set of options to chose from it is more resilient and you feel more confidence moving on with the idea.
End User
The end user is the most important figure during your project. It can be a very iteratively and it should be. One out of two sc ientifical factors is talking to your end user in time. and enough.
…..To late results into deception, you most often than made a guess of what was whished for.
If you have enough knowledge and know it is good for the benefit of society it can be a real technology push but this is more rare.
7th Generation storm
In the united states it is a very common way of thinking.
Are you proud of what you are doing now and will you keep doing it if you look at it seven generations ahead.
How do we solve this problem 7 generations ahead
Innovation Knowhow
Innovation has a abstract level to it, from a certain perspective. Innovation in its basis sense means, something new. Just that. But it started to mean more. Something new which is desired. Desired by Humans, nature, money, everything. Something new that is possible and will still be possible in the near and further future. Which requires some form of creativity. But also offers some guidance and measurements on which we can test innovation. This could mean, and for us it does. A new idea or something new should mean something future resilient. The health of nature, the mental and fysical health , financial health, environemental health. It should all be taken in to account. This is not an easy task and a lot of things can be taken in to account.
The innovation experience through the years has led to the forming of: Hollistic Innovation, this offers insight in the development of the meaning trough the years and the management methods. Technology push, market pull, combinatory of previous two and open innovation.
Kickstarter is an amazing platform which makes capital available for actualy everyone. Do you trust in you idea enough or are you in a certain growing stage and you need capital. you can use kickstarter.
Localize and sustainability
There is probabliy no profit or hard to find profit when looking at de-scaling and re-using. This is not always true but the thought is understandable. There is a very interesting gap with current entrepeneurship and future resilient entrepeneurship. Where people are prepared to pay more money to cover less, when being actually durable. Organizing localy offers a very big chance to entrepeneurs being prepared to change. Let’s say creating a clothing company which uses local production processes, and sell them locally. Probably against higher prices but marketing wise this offers a unique market position. Quality over quantity, KING vs cash!
for example. A wineyard. If you do not interfere with quality and produce maximal. There will be sold a lot but the quality will be lower because you are not the king of your wineyard but moreover the cash.
The other way around, you keep your wineyard smaller and make sure quality is kept high. You will have a smaller amount of wine and less mass production but the price can als be much higher. This short example should give you an example of the thoughtprocess that gets along with sustainable and resilient entrepeneurship.
Open Innovation
Collaborating and cooperating takes you far.. That is the general conclusion.
Reach out to network
Talking externally so using and creating a network is a critical factor for innovation. Socialising, talking about your ideas, goals and failures, can help you with learning and cooperating with company’s and other entrepeneurs.
Book (dutch): scenarioplanning
Feel free to send us a message we can help with organizing a session on scenario planning or explain you some more to help you get started!
Test preparation
Finding your target group. Finding your first customer. Finding a test group.
Those are things that take a lot of time or can take a lot of time. Make use of your network, your orginaztion and prepare ahead for those things.